First Guest Post! by Nathaniel Axt (aka Judy Norman) :)
It's been over a month since I've posted on here for a variety of reasons (life has been even crazier than 'normal' for the Axts in May - more updates to come on that later...). Anyway, I wanted to make up for lost posts by doing a short series of 'guest posts' over the next few days!
Jason and I had the privilege of getting away for a few days together and hiking Mt. Cameroon at the end of April - thanks to an incredible cohort of people here at Mbingo who took care of our boys and others who covered Jason's hospital responsibilities!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL involved in making this trip happen!! Jason and I hadn't been away on our own overnight since before Zeke was born, so the uninterrupted time together was immensely appreciated and enjoyed!!
While we were gone, Andy and Judy Norman took care of Nathaniel (Yvonne Snell and Debbie Koch split the care of Zeke to make it a bit easier on all). The Normans are like an extra set of grandparents for the boys and are affectionately called "Iya" & "Baba". We received delightful, daily emails from Judy from 'Nathaniel's perspective' - she called it his 'vacation blog spot'. We LOVED getting these each day and I just had to share them with anyone who is interested in reading! So without further ado - here is 'Day One!'...
My name is Nathaniel Axt. My parents went on a road trip today to a mountain to climb. I am staying with Baba and Iya (sometimes I call her Judy) while they are gone. I'm okay with that. Baba and Iya live way over on the other side of the hospital. I have my very own room with a big bed. I've got my stuff with me. Woody came too.
So far the food hasn't been bad. Baba says I'm a good eater. Iya has fixed me a special chair with a big metal bowl turned over for a booster. Works pretty good.
Today is Sunday so after breakfast we went to church. I did pretty good through a song and then I just crashed. Iya said I snored a bit in her lap. She's probably kidding.
Some cool things I did today:
whipped up bubbles in the kitchen sink and washed a few dishes,
played around with some sticks (had a really cool one I liked a lot),
wore my raincoat and boots in the rain (soaked my shorts and socks),
saw Dr. Bardin's horses (Mamudu put me on Chocolate for just a minute),
used a paper towel and toilet paper rollers for phones (I talked to Daddy with the toilet paper roll, he's doing good),
and played with Bananagrams tiles and chess pieces.
Iya says I'm a good picker upper and very polite. She taught me how to blow out a candle. You say "bo-peep" in front of the candle and out goes the flame!
I learned some new stories with Baba and Iya. I like the 3 Little Pigs and the 3 Bears with Goldilocks. I don't really understand why the wolf wanted to blow the pigs' houses down. Did you know who ate the Gingerbread Man? The fox! The fox tricked him.
I impressed Iya and Baba with my singing. They even knew the songs I was singing and sang with me.
A big treat is that I got to watch 3 Dinosaur Trains on the DVD player. Baba took a nap then but Iya watched them with me. We have read some books too.
I did have one bad moment today. I had to throw my sticks away this afternoon. I was pretty upset about that. I was playing with my sticks outside the house and a girl hanging clothes started talking to me. I didn't like what she said to me so I hit her with my stick. Iya saw it and called me by my whole name. I knew I was in trouble then. She told me to tell the girl sorry and come in. The girl took my stick. Iya didn't have to tell me to get in the chair for time out. I got in a chair all by myself. We had a little talk. I'm okay now.
We are getting ready for bed. Iya wanted to put me in the kitchen sink for a bath. Silly Iya, I'm too big. I'm going to take a shower. I'm pretty tired. Good night.
Stay tuned daily for the rest of 'Nathaniel's' blog posts... :)
So cute!