The Dawn

All is dark
It is the pitch-black of night
All is lost in the aching - - the pain
There is a deep groaning
From the deepest place within

Oh to be free!
Oh to be whole!

It tangles me
It holds me down
No matter how I try
I cannot get up
I cannot get out

I am trapped by this darkness
I am being strangled by this death

Oh to be free!
Oh to be whole!

But then, I see a faint light
It is coming from the East
Just over the horizon
It grows stronger, brighter
Could it be?

I now have to shield my eyes
The brightness grows
It bursts through the clouds
It fills the sky
The Dawn has come!

All the darkness that binds me falls away
With this morning comes something new

I am free!
I am whole!

The darkness has been replaced
The aching and groaning is silenced
The tangled web is gone
Could this really be?
Am I really awake?

The Light has swallowed up darkness
The aching has been changed to peace
The groaning has turned into hope
The fresh air surrounds me
I breathe deeply and rejoice

I am free!
I am whole!

Oh how great a Savior!!


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