THIS is community. Do I want it?
The following is my feeble attempt to process just a few of the thoughts and emotions spinning in my head and heart from the past few weeks of our life here in KC... You hear a lot of talk in Christian circles these days about community and discipleship, but what do these things actually look like and mean? What might it look like to truly live out these concepts?
THIS is community.
It’s sobbing in the car for 2
hours on my birthday because my dear friend’s 6-month-old baby is dead.
It’s crying and holding a new
mother as she loves her son so much that she hands him over to another family
to raise.
It’s cutting our anniversary
date short to be with this young woman and friend as she sits alone and feels
the ache of her empty arms.
It’s texting and talking with
my sister as she grieves through loss and heartache.
It’s feeling my own tiniest
babe kicking in my womb, while these women’s wombs and arms are empty – knowing
that my baby is a grace and mercy that I could never earn or deserve.
It’s the confusion of feeling
pain and joy at the same time.
It’s the pouring out when you
feel like you have nothing to give.
It’s loving people who are
hard to love, and whom you don’t understand.
It’s gathering together when
you are all exhausted.
It’s staying when you want to
It’s wondering if being
involved in the pain and heartache of others is good for your 5-year-old son.
It’s holding that son as he
sobs over the death of a baby he’s been praying over for months.
It’s being vulnerable when
you want to hide.
It’s letting people into your
It’s accepting help when you
would rather feel strong and independent.
Do I really want this?? Is it worth it??
It’s painful, draining,
messy, uncomfortable, confusing, hard, exhausting...
Why community?? Wouldn’t it be better to just be
I’ve asked myself these
questions the past few weeks.
I’ve weighed the
Shutting myself down
Putting up walls
Keeping others at arms length
Living for me
Trying to satisfy my longings
Trying to reach my dreams
Reaching them alone.
What do I really want??
Would sheltering myself from
others keep me from all this sorrow, pain, confusion, and struggle??
Even if the answer is yes,
would it be worth the costs??
Could I be fully alive and really experiencing each
day if I shut down my heart and emotions toward other people??
THIS is community.
It’s experiencing the most
beautiful ‘see you later’ ceremony I could ever imagine.
It’s watching your dear
friends give their baby back to God – while thanking their Creator for the
miracle and gift their son was and is.
It’s seeing people open their
hands in breathtaking trust and faith – even while their hearts are breaking
It’s worshiping together when
our hearts are broken and worn and confused.
It’s clinging to truth, even
when you don’t feel it – and helping others do the same.
It’s holding another person, and crying or rejoicing with them.
It’s being held by another in
your own joy and pain.
It’s being picked up and
carried when you’re weak or lonely or afraid.
It’s really knowing other
human beings with struggles and weaknesses and strengths and faith.
It’s hope.
It’s getting to see hearts
that hold onto JESUS as the anchor of their souls.
It’s letting yourself really
feel and experience life -- ALL of it.
It’s knowing that someone
truly sees you -- and cares.
It’s knowing that you’re not
alone, no matter how messed up you are.
It’s beauty, grace, joy,
fullness, connection, and the experience of real, raw love.
So do I want it?? Is it worth it??
My answer is ‘Yes’.
Today, it is a lot of sorrow, pain, and confusion.
Today, it is also a lot of fullness, beauty, and
unexplainable peace.
I told my son the other day
that ‘we hurt much because we love much.’
We can’t love this way on our
We don’t possess this kind of ability – to keep our
broken hearts open to more pain – to love beyond ourselves.
THIS LOVE -- it comes only from our Maker.
“O GOD – come and fill us from your river that never
runs dry...”
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