Unhurried Adventure

The past few years I have joined the trend of choosing a ‘focus word’ for the year, in lieu of new year resolutions. This practice has been very helpful for the analytical, over-achiever part of me. It keeps me from going crazy with too many plans and promises that I can’t maintain, and instead grounds me with an over-arching focus.

This past year’s word was ‘enjoy’, and anyone who reads this blog knows some of the ways I struggled with the topic. However, I am so grateful for the many things I learned about enjoyment throughout this past year. Primarily, I learned that enjoyment grows when my soul is in tune with my Maker, and I am at rest in Him. My ability to enjoy my days and my people is directly tied with the posture of my spirit. When I bow myself in surrender – arms wide open to whatever God has for the day – I tend to enjoy the moments so much more. When I’m walking in gratitude for what I’ve been given, instead of focusing on all that is hard and wrong, I’m able to see things differently. My slow growth in this area has come with constant prayer. I can’t change my attitude or perspective on my own, but God is faithful to answer the prayer of ‘Help me. Change me. Breathe your presence and perspective into this moment. I need You!’

I’ve also noticed this year that a huge thief of my enjoyment is hurrying through moments and days because I have over-planned, misused time, or given into distractions. The past few years I have been longing and praying for growth in being fully present in the moments and days given to me, even when (or especially when) they are hard and I want to run. I want to fully live my life now. It’s a gift from my Creator that I don’t want to miss! Our current world, and especially western culture, offers constant distractions and opportunities to be absorbed in the lives of others. Yet this absorption is rarely real and tangible, in the form of true relationships. Instead, we spend our days watching the lives of others, as our own passes us by.

As I’ve prayed about a focus for this coming year, the word “Unhurried” has been whispering in my heart over and over again. It feels like God has been saying “Shhh. Take a deep breath. Look. Be. Don’t miss this.”

One Scripture that has really stood out to me lately is Psalm 21:4, “He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever.”

The Psalmist realizes that God has given him life that will never end. When it ends on earth, it simply continues in heaven. This truth helps me breathe – to exhale. God is the One controlling the universe and holding time. I simply have to walk in today – nothing is ultimately dependent on me. I can breathe and rest and say ‘no’ to things, in order to be more fully present for the things that God has called me to do now. This truth also helps me realize that I am not responsible to try and ‘slow down’ or ‘freeze’ time. I think this is a stressor for many young mothers especially – we can become almost frantic about trying to stop and soak in every moment – mourning the passing of time as our children grow and develop. I don’t think this perspective is healthy. Our children are meant to grow and develop! This season of having little ones is simply that – a season. It is good to enjoy it, but not to idolize or worship it as the only and ultimate season and purpose of our lives.

All that being said... Living “Unhurried” in this season for me, does NOT look like slowing down activity, or developing a predictable routine. It does not mean living leisurely, or in a quiet and calm environment (Although these things sound nice! 😀).
Instead, it speaks of a strong desire to live intentionally, and from a place of internal rest and calm. I want to make decisions and plan our days in a deliberate and measured way – focusing on what is MOST important and right in front of me, and letting go of the rest. I want to live my days with open hands and a surrendered heart – letting God’s Spirit guide it all continually.

2018 is going to be incredibly FULL once again... If I focus on being ‘unhurried’ as trying to slow down my three incredibly active boys, make our newborn baby fit into a scheduled routine, or keep my very active and ‘type A’ husband from being busy, I will constantly frustrate my family and myself. However, if I listen to the whisperings of God and my heart to be more fully present, to embrace both the hard and the fun, to behold the people and pieces of the world in front of me, and to enjoy the adventure of it all, I believe that the effect will be a positive and lasting imprint on my soul. Having a calm, focused, ‘unhurried’ soul will require a lot of continual prayer and effort. We are in an often chaotic and busy season of life, and just getting us all out of the house takes a lot of planning and energy! However, I notice such a difference in the life of our family when I am finding my rest, refuge, plans, and strength in the Lord.

I chose the word ‘adventure’ to pair with ‘unhurried’ to remind myself of what I am quieting my soul for. This New Year will be full of adventure for our little family as we head into many unusual, exciting, and unknown places. We are looking at support raising, selling most of our earthly possessions, traveling, temporary moves and jobs, relocating to another continent, learning a new language, and adjusting to being a family of six! Even as I write this, my heart beats faster at the excitement of it all!

At the same time, the realities of these adventures include a lot of discomfort, steep learning curves, emotional challenges, sleepless nights, needy children, painful stretching, hard goodbyes, and facing many fears and unknowns. We are now making decisions for four little ones, along with ourselves, as we continue this pursuit of God and His desire for our days. We greatly need and appreciate all the prayers and encouragement from so many of you!!! We cannot travel this road alone. We desperately need both God and people to continue on in this wonderful and crazy journey.

So, THANK YOU, to all who are partnering with us through prayer, encouragement, friendship, and financial support! What a gift and blessing you are to us. We hope that our words and life encourage YOU to more fully live YOURS!


  1. Dear Meridith, My name is Kristine McLaughlin, and I am a nurse practitioner and missionary in Ivory Coast, West Africa. I want to sincerely than you for this blog posting. It was a special blessing and encouragement to me. You write beautifully, and I'd like to also choose a word to describe a focus for the coming year. What a wonderful idea! May the Lord bless and guide you in ways more wonderful than you can imagine in the coming year!

    1. Thank you so much Kristine. I’m so glad to hear this was an encouragement to you! I’m praying now for God to place a word on your heart that will bring direction and encouragement to you this year as well. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Loved this, as always!! This is the first time that I’ll be choosing a word for the year to come (I heard a description of the idea on a podcast and fell in love with it). I’m still praying and pondering words but excited to see how it shapes my year! Praying for your family as always.

    1. Thank you Kayla. You’re such an encourager! Praying for you also as you begin this new year!!


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