Random Thoughts and Pics
We have now been in Kenya for over a month and I’ve realized that I’ve only posted on this blog about 3 times – definitely not meeting my goal of updating multiple times a week! I love to write, it helps me to process all that is going on, and it is a great way to keep anyone who reads this updated… However, this trip has been so different than our last one to Kenya that it has been difficult for me to figure out how to put my thoughts down on paper.
Most of our days have been spent so far at the hospitals that we are working with on this research project. (This is me and our mountains of charts... :) ) We are collecting data from patients with Wilm’s Tumor for the retrospective part of the study, so we have mostly been searching for these patients and their charts, and then entering the information found into an online database. While the tasks themselves can be time consuming and tedious (we have now entered over 100 patients!), I find many of these children’s stories fascinating. Although many of their stories are extremely sad or difficult, the resiliency and triumph in the midst of hardships are at the heart of others. Often we are left without knowing the endings of the stories as many of the charts just end abruptly, with no idea of how the children are now, or if they are even alive. We have been able to meet several children so far with this kidney cancer. Again, the vibrancy of some leave you hopeful and full of joy, and the suffering of others leave you hurting and sad.
I guess this is the way it is with most cancer, or any severe illness for that matter. There are so many mixed emotions for the patients, their families, and even the doctors and nurses (and anyone else) involved in their care, treatment, and lives. At the end of the day, after seeing glimpses into so many different lives, I am often left with my head full of thoughts and my heart full of various reactions and emotions. I am unsure of what to think, feel, or do with it all.

This week we had a refreshing change of scenery and pace as we headed to Kijabe for a few days to work on charts there. It is such a stark contrast to the city, even though it is only a little over an hour away. The hospital and town overlooks the Great Rift Valley and the views are stunning. We were able to do a lot of our data entry from the back porch of one of our friends who lives there, which has a gorgeous view and was an amazing work environment. J I took a couple long walks while we were there, and Jason was able to continue his running (he’s training for a marathon that is here in Kenya on April 14th!). I have to admit though that my walks were often distracted by stopping to watch baboons and other monkeys along the way…
We have now returned to Nairobi and Jason is hiking Mount Kenya this weekend! He left early this morning and has already begun as I am typing this. Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in all of Africa (just under Kilimanjaro), and everyone here says that it is even more beautiful in many ways. I am a little bit jealous, I must admit, but the altitude is not safe for the baby, so there was no question about me staying. It is only a small inconvenience to have to stay back for the joy of this little life growing within me though! Jason almost decided to stay as well, but I knew how much he wanted to do this, and we want to make the most of opportunities like this while we are here. I’d appreciate prayers for his fun and safety! I’m planning to catch up on some writing, reading, and girl time this weekend – while trying not to be a worrisome wife by thinking of all the dangers of high altitude… J
Here are a few more “belly pictures” per the many requests from family and friends… J

There are many things that I am just starting to think about at 24 weeks pregnant. It feels like it is just starting to become real to me as I feel my baby move and watch my body change… Most days I still can’t quite grasp the fact that there is a child growing inside of me and that in only a few months we will be parents… It often feels so surreal…
People have already asked me what kind of diapers I will use, what my baby room “theme” will be, if I will buy a wrap or sling and what kind, etc. I guess because we are in Africa, and won’t be back in the US until a month and half before my due date, I have barely thought about these things. My hope is to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery, a roof over our head by the time the baby is born, and to major on the majors. I guess I am hoping many of the “minor” details will fall into place and not be all consuming. I have been fascinated by the way things run at the baby orphanage I have been helping out with occasionally, and how little a baby actually needs to be healthy and happy. I know that many will think I am extremely naïve as I write this, and I’m sure I am to a point. However, I have grown up taking care of babies and children and I am convinced that the simpler way to go is often the better way to go in many circumstances. All that being said, I started looking online today at a few of my options for diapers, etc and all I can say to the amount of options out there is Wow… J
Well, there are a few of my random thoughts as of late for what they are worth... J I am hoping to write more over the weekend about some of the things God has been reminding me of in my time in His Word, as well as in time with people. I also hope to share a few stories and pictures from the past few weeks. Hope you all are doing well. We love to hear from you!! - Meridith
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